ECE 532: Theory and Applications of Pattern RecognitionPrerequisites:
Competence in basic probability and statistics,
e.g., ECE 331 or Math 431Instructor:
Robert Nowak
Phone: 608 265 3914
3627 Engineering Hall
Office Hours: after lecture, Tuesday and Thursday, 2:15-3:15pm
Spring 2005
Tuesday, Thursday 1:00 - 2:15 PM
2535 Engineering Hall
Textbook: Pattern Classification, by R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart and D. G. Stork, Second Edition, Wiley.
Textbook webpage with additional informationGrading and Evaluation:
Midterm Exam: March 17, 25% of total course grade
Course Project: 30% (to be handed in on April 30)
Final Exam: May 8, 30% of total course grade
Homework & Course Participation: 15%Project Teams and Web Reports:
Team 1 John Boehm and Minglei HuangTeam 2 Aarti Singh and Raman Arora
Team 3 Tulaya Limpiti and David Winters
Team 4 William L'Huilliler, Aline Martin and Ercan Yildiz
Homework Problems:
Homework 1 (pdf)Homework 2 (pdf)Homework 3 (pdf)Homework 4 (pdf)Homework 5 (pdf)
Homework 6 (pdf)
iris.mat (right-click to save)Homework 7 (pdf)
Homework 8 (pdf)Project Task 1 (pdf)
Homework 9 (pdf)
Project - Final Goals and Objectives (pdf)Homework 10 (pdf)
Keeping up with the course and participating in lectures (asking
is very important to successful learning. Keep your homework solutions
in a folder or binder. I will ask you to turn in your solutions from
time to time
to see how you are keeping up with the coursework.
Course Outline:
1. Pattern Recognition Systems
- data collection
- feature selection
- classifiers
- classifier design and training
- supervised and unsupervised learning
2. Basic Decision Theory
- Bayesian decision theory
- Minimum error-rate classification
- Classifiers and decision boundaries
3. Parametric Methods
- Multivariate Gaussian model
- Class-conditional densities
- Sufficient statistics and model fitting
- Expectation-Maximization algorithm
- Overfitting and dimensionality reduction
4. Nonparametric Methods
- Density estimation
- Histogram classification rule
- Decision trees
- Nearest-neighbor classification
- Kernel methods
5. Statistical Learning Theory
- Complexity and regularization
- Probably Approximately Correct learning
- Chernoff's bound
- Distribution-free error bounds for classification
6. Statistical Analysis of Classifiers
- Analysis of histogram rule
- Analysis of decision trees
- Vapnik-Chevronenkis inequality
- Analysis of linear classifiers
Reference Materials:George Phillip's Lecture on Crystallography (ppt)George Phillip's LabCrystallography Datasets:Crystal Dataset ACrystal Dataset BDemos:demo1.m